Healthcare Career Center Updated For 2020

Medicaid Alcohol Treatment Centers

Everyone is used to hearing about the glamorous people of the world cruising off to deal with their alcohol addiction issues at some fancy treatment center regardless of the cost, but this image isn’t exactly practical for the average Joe. What about those that need help finding an alcohol treatment center but haven’t got bags of money to pay for it all?

Medicaid may be an answer. Medicaid is a state and federally funded program designed to help those with little or no insurance to pay for the health care they need.

Doctor, Doctor, Im Struggling From Alcohol Addiction!

Medicaid often relies on a physician’s referral. Because it is a medical program, participation is most often granted to those who are suffering from alcoholism in a mental or physical way.

No Hollywood Elite Here

Medicaid covers certain low-income patients who struggle with alcohol abuse, but co-payments may also be required. Payments are made directly to the treatment facility, not to Joe, the individual patient.

Income guidelines are the most likely to vary on a state-to-state basis, and finances such as bank accounts and owning property are also taken into consideration.

Medicaid operates under government regulations, and those interested in it must meet certain conditions, which vary from state to state. These include whether a patient is pregnant, blind, disabled, or aged, and whether they are a legal immigrant or US citizen.

These qualifications are only for the addict, not their family, so if Joe needs help but his parents don’t qualify for Medicaid, he should still apply. Likewise, children living with adults who are not their parents, such as a foster care situation, can qualify even if the adults don’t.

The alcohol addiction rehab facilities that accept Medicaid aren’t luxury rehab centers; however, the centers that accept Medicaid are real treatment facilities with the sole goal of treating clients who need treatment for their alcohol addiction issues.

What Alcohol Treatment Centers Use Medicaid?

Again, this is subject to change across the US and its territories, but things related to mental health are generally covered by Medicaid. Not all types of treatment are, however.

Both in-patient rehab centers and out-patient alcohol rehabilitation services are eligible, depending on the location of the facility. The best idea is to contact a local Medicaid worker or mental health board. Both have people trained in the particular coverage of your area.

Why Get Treatment For Alcohol Addiction?

According to a bulletin issued in 2014 by the Center for Medicaid and CHIP Issues, nearly 12 percent of Medicaid patients over the age of 18 have substance abuse issues.

On average, 105 people die every day due to preventable alcohol overdoses. Individuals addicted to alcohol in the lower income brackets often think it will cost more to treat their problem than it does to continue as they are, but this is not the case. It actually costs more to care for an alcoholic than it does for a healthy person.

The same bulletin points out that following treatment, monthly medical care costs declined. Also, early intervention for minors with alcohol abuse issues can bring down costs, heading off a bad financial cycle before it starts.

Other things to consider about the price of addiction is the time an addict loses by being unproductive at work, and potential doctor bills due to the medical side effects of alcohol abuse. Some individuals struggling with alcoholism may have legal and criminal fines, as well.

There Are Professionals That Can Help!

If you are interested in finding an alcohol treatment center that accepts Medicaid, contact a social worker, clinical psychologist, counseling psychologist, or any other healthcare professional who specializes in addiction issues. These addiction specialists can help you find a facility to suit your financial concerns, and they have people standing by to talk to you today. Let these addiction specialists be the first step toward a healthy life for you or your loved one.

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