Healthcare Career Center Updated For 2020

Science Technician

Science Technician Job Description

There are many different types of science technicians who work with a wide variety of agencies and companies. Some of them work outdoors, some work in a laboratory setting, while others work in extremely remote locations.

Before you begin studying and training to attain a career as a science technician, you’ll want to choose your specialization. Here are just a few examples of positions in the science technician category:

  • Agricultural and food science technician
  • Biological science technician
  • Chemical science technician
  • Forensic science technician
  • Geological and petroleum science technician
  • Nuclear science technician

To give you an idea of the types of tasks that science technicians are expected to take on, we are going to discuss two of these specialized positions: biological science and forensic science technicians.

Biological Science Technicians

Biological science technicians assist medical and biological scientists in a laboratory setting. Some of the basic tasks that a biological science technician is expected to take on include:

  • Cleaning and maintaining supplies and work area
  • Keeping detailed logs of all activities related to work
  • Analyzing experimental data as well as interpreting results
  • Conducting research such as collecting information and samples including blood, soil, water, plants, or animals
  • Monitoring and observing experiments
  • Providing tech support for engineers and scientists working in a wide variety of fields including agriculture, resource management, health sciences, etc.
  • Feeding laboratory animals or livestock

Biological Science Technician Salary

Before you begin your search for a job as a biological science technician, you will probably want to know how much you can expect to make. The average biological science tech earns an annual salary of $48,499, according to Of course, senior science techs will most likely earn more than this average.

Forensic Science Technicians

Forensic science technicians assist in crime investigation, making it a desirable position for those seeking employment in a fast-paced, exciting field. Forensic science techs are responsible for the following tasks, including others:

  • Interpreting test results in order to classify and identify materials and other evidence collected at the crime scene
  • Testifying in court regarding analytical and investigative findings and methods
  • Preparing reports detailing investigative methods, findings, and laboratory techniques and processes
  • Preparing solutions, sample formulations, and reagents needed for lab work
  • Operating and maintaining lab equipment
  • Determining the type of bullet used in shooting and if the bullet was fired from a specific weapon
  • Conferring with ballistics, handwriting, electronics, fingerprinting, medical, or chemical experts regarding evidence and its interpretation

Forensic Science Technician Salary

A forensic science technician earns a very decent living—the average annual salary is $58,230. Additionally, the Bureau of Labor Statistics estimates a projected growth of 12% for this position.

As you can see, there are many different types of science technicians. If you are interested in working in the science field and feel as though one of the specializations would be a good match for what you’re looking for, then make sure you perform adequate research regarding your specific position so that you know what training and/or education is necessary to secure employment.

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